Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Crafty Days!

Helloooo.. Long time no see :)

Well, this month will full of joy and happiness.. Journ(al)ey will participate in this adorable event held by Tobucil on 5th and 6th May. 

You have to come and see.. There will be so many talented crafters, creative and (of course) handmade products, good music, workshop, and so much fun. The place is at Jl. Aceh 56 Bandung. Can't wait to see you there. Now, I better back to work making some special product for you. See you! :D

p.s: check Tobucil's Blog to see more information ;)


  1. Haiiii... kemarin sy ke Crafty Days (jaga stand juga), just wanna say:
    notes nya kerennnnnn banget, suka banget sama cipratan teh/ kopinya, ga bosen lihatnya, begitu buka langsung serasa "ini notes gue" hehehe

    see you again next time ;)


  2. Waaahh,,terima kasih ya Mbak Dessy!! Semoga bermanfaat yaa journalnya, klo sempet ikutan giveawaynya juga yaaa, ayo kapan-kapan kita bertemu lagiii :)
