Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Place Where Fiction and Reality Mingle : A Review

Hello... it's been a long time since my last post, I'm sorry for the laziness. It's a big bunch of procrastination I have for some months back there *biggrin*

And for my first post after so long time, finally, I'm finished editing (some) of my last trip photos to Jogja (okay, it was almost a year ago- I'm sorry, again) But, this things is killing me.. I know that I have to review this great place even if I do my procrastination for the whole time. Yes, it was LIRshop! The magical shop and I'm going there when I was at Yogyakarta (yes, my fave city, you guess). I put some of my product in this shop, you may check it out if you're going to Yogya sometimes!!

As you see, it's one of the magical things at the shop ;)
The owner, Mbak Mira has been so nice to me.. I really like her, the way that she dress and the way that she manage a shop like this was so dreamy (just like her twitter name - @dreamiy) XD and she is a blogger too!! You can check her blog here to know more about her. She's inspiring me a lot, and I love to take a peek at her blog too. And I knew directly, that she was so in love with books. And it can see from many books-inspired that she applied to her shop :)

Pick your favorite book and take a sip of some hot tea
Awww, deer!
Hello there..

My favorite corner  :)

Lir also have an art space and they have so many artsy event. It's called Lir Space. Some of local artist held their exhibition there.. And Mbak Mira, the owner of Lir also do some curatorial and review for them. And don't forget that Lir have a little dining area called Mooi. Some white table and green chairs are set up there with love.

White window and that cute embroidery hoop!!

The right quote for the right place :)

The Menu. Exactly just like a fairy tale book. Love it.

Hanging there so lovely

Pandan leaf and the tea-pot

Fruit punch, bubble gum, and red-bean homemade ice cream. Yumm!
They have so many delicious menu, that afternoon I choose the dessert and the ice cream was the best in town! Mine is the red-bean flavour, and Mbak Mira tells me it's a homemade ice cream! How can you resist them? Me absolutely can't :D

I love everythings that are hanging!!
ready for the overload loveliness :))

I can't stop smiling :)

and even the cupboard wants to chat with you :)
and once it's open..
 Sometimes, just to take a peek at the their photos and their event makes me want to live in Jogja, and I will visiting the shop whenever I want :)

and a little notes they left on the back of the menu. Well written :)
Hope you can also visit Lir Shop whenever you go to Yogyakarta. The shop is located at Jl.Anggrek 1/33 Baciro Yogyakarta. It's a peaceful and nice environment. So, you can chill and relax, and just enjoy the atmosphere :)

Photo from here

Map from here

 Check their website here and here
Facebook here
Instagram : @lirspace
Twitter: @LIRshop