Time passes by, and I was just missed some of great review about Journ(al)ey.
So, I'm trying to turning back the time, I put some of the review here and just want to thanks for them whose already giving their review for me. I owe you so much, and I will always support all the local movement here. So, everybody... you can check their review about Journ(al)ey right from the links below :
1. Review from Mbak Tarlen a.k.a Vitarlenology.
"Belum lagi efek teh yang membuat isi halaman notebook jadi terlihat antik. Cice bilang efek teh ini, memang dibuat dengan menggunakan tetesan teh. Makin lama warnanya akan makin coklat. Garis-garisnya dan kotak-kotaknya itu beneran di garisin satu-satu sama cice.. setiap notebook jadi sangat-sangat personal."
click Here to read moreShe always be my inspiration. She's a great and inspiring woman I've ever known. She learn bookbinding and looking forward for it. She show me some of her literature collection once we have a little chit-chat. Mbak Tarlen is the founder and the organizer of Tobucil and Klabs. Her product is always developing, and her bookbinding technique is the greatest. And all I want is being just like her. Thank you a lot Mbak Tarlen!
2. Review from Tobucil Handmade
"Perjalanan, apapun itu bentuknya adalah sebuah kisah yang menarik untuk dicatat, diceritakan. Kali ini Tobucil Handmade bercakap-cakap dengan sang pejalan tangguh. Tentu saja, bukan biro travel yang menjadi tokoh utamanya. Adalah Cice sang penggagas Journ(al)ey dengan buku- bukunya yang ciamik dengan semena-mena mengajak untuk mengembara berkeliling Indonesia…"
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Tobucil is one of the bookstore in Bandung that based on community. Mbak Tarlen is the founder of Tobucil. This bookstore support many local artists, crafters, musicians, and also writers. The handmade movement is their biggest issue. And Tobucil have a special blog for this. It's called Tobucil Handmade.I was interviewed by Nugraha Sugiarta, one of Tobucil's contributor. He is also a writer. He ask me some question and I was so flattered that he appreciate Journ(al)ey also. You can check his blog here and he already publish his first book "Satu Masa di Cielo" Thank you Nunuw and Tobucil! :D
3. Review from Laugh On The Floor

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This is the online media that really have a complete review on their website. I feel so happy that they appreciate Journ(al)ey. They're so fun and nice. They send the question via e-mail, and I'm so happy to wrote them the answer. I told them about Journ(al)ey's story, and I hope you can also read it there. I always have a thought that I want to tell about Journ(al)ey's history here in my blog, but as usual, my procrastinating behaviour always delay me *sigh* So, before I (really) will wrote it here, maybe you can check it out first, based on their review :) Thank you a lot LOTF for the interview! :D